NelsonJF Consulting’s role involved conducting a formative evaluation to measure the impact of the content production component of the newcomer info hub project on the capacity of newcomers to access appropriate COVID-19 information and assess the overall implementation of the project. We used a combination of quantitative and qualitative data collection approaches, including semi-structured interviews and surveys with newcomers and newcomer service providers. Ethical considerations were taken into account by ensuring that the data-gathering tools were available in multiple languages and obtaining consent from participants while explaining the purpose of the evaluation and data analysis process.
The evaluation was conducted based on six criteria: Relevance, Reach, Accessibility, Effectiveness, Satisfaction and Lessons Learned, and Impact. The results were compiled into a full evaluation report, with an executive summary highlighting key findings and a recommendation section pointing out the project’s strengths and areas for improvement.
Project Details
- Category: Final Evaluation
- Client: Ottawa Community Immigrant Services Organization (OCISO)-Refugee 613
- Location: Canada
- Language: English
- Title: January 2022 to March 2022
- Skills: Quantitative and Qualitative Data Analysis and OECD/DAC Evaluation Criteria.